Beat the Heat with Cooling Foods

By: Aizya Ali-Mohammed, RDN, LD

Summertime is on our’s time for sunshine and happy vibes! The National Weather Service predicts that Georgia is approaching the hottest part of the summer. When the temperatures get too hot to handle, stay hydrated and cool as a cucumber with the following foods for a sun-sational sea-sun.

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Listen To Your Gut: Incorporating Probiotics & Prebiotics

By: Aizya Ali-Mohammed, RDN, LD

May is National Digestive Diseases Awareness Month, so let's gut to the bottom of how to best support digestive health with probiotics and prebiotics. Collectively, there are 100 trillion good and bad bacteria that make up our gut microbiota. Sound a little scary? Well stomach your fears, because research supports incorporating probiotic and prebiotics regularly can increase and maintain the good bacteria.

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Nutrition Around the World: Filipino Cuisine

By: Dianna Thomas, MS, Emory Dietetic Intern

April is Filipino Food Month, so what better way to celebrate than to chat about the delicious food? Filipino cuisine has a rich history that many other countries and ancient cities have influenced over the years. The evolution of this cuisine's cooking techniques and flavors has made it an absolute fan favorite!

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Fighting Against Food Waste and Elimination

By: Dianna Thomas, MS, Emory Dietetic Intern

Did you know that 80 million tons of food are wasted in the United States per year? This equates to 149 billion meals and 444 billion dollars’ worth of food annually! Shocking, isn’t it? What exactly is food waste, and how can we help improve some of these staggering statistics?

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Listen To Your Heart: Nutrition for Heart Health

By: Aizya Ali-Mohammed, RDN, LD

American Heart Month is here, and love is in the air! The American Heart Association lists nutrition as being one of the most important modifiable factors in reducing our risk for heart disease. Roses are red, violets are blue...use these three strategies to nourish the organ that does so much for you!

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2023 Food Trends and 2024 Predicted Food Trends

By: Kari Brown, Intern and Volunteer, Spelman College

With the popularity of social media apps like TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, throughout this year I’ve seen the emergence of unique, eccentric, and tasty food trends that reflect cultural shifts and evolving consumer preferences in our current society. Here are just a few that I believe have shaped and will continue to shape the food culture of today.

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