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Fuel Your Defenses, One Meal at a Time

Winter is knocking, and as the chill sets in, our bodies become prime targets for the pesky cold, flu, and other respiratory gremlins. The snuggle is real, but fear not! By making a few clever tweaks to your diet, you can give those sniffles the boot! Pair these hacks with some cozy shut-eye, low-stress vibes, and a dash of joyful movement and you'll be ready to tackle those seasonal sicknesses like a champ! Bring it on, winter!


Immune System-Supporting Nutrients

Healthy dietary patterns can help your cell’s immune function by preparing the body for microbial attacks and inflammation. However, it is important to note that there are no “superfoods” that will provide special protection. In simple terms, food and nutrition are just one piece of the puzzle. 

Vitamin A:

Antioxidant, which helps protect cell membranes against oxidative stress. Antioxidants are like the cleaning crew of our bodies, constantly scavenging for free radicals- which may damage your cells and DNA. Vitamin A also helps maintain the structure of the cells, e.g., respiratory tract, skin, etc. and provides a protective barrier.

  • Foods: liver, whole milk, cheese, butter, tuna, sardines, yellow, orange, and red fruits & vegetables (e.g. carrots, papaya, tomato, and pumpkin)

Vitamin C:

Antioxidant, which helps protect cell membranes against oxidative stress. It also helps increase the phagocytic activity (engulfs harmful bacteria, particles, etc.)

  • Foods: Most commonly found citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli, grapes, watermelon, spinach, tomatoes, Brussels sprouts

Vitamin D:

Helps activate T-cells, macrophages, and monocytes, which help your immune system fight pathogens.

Foods: fatty fish, beef, veal, eggs, mushrooms, fortified foods, fortified dairy

Vitamin E:

Antioxidant, which helps protect cell membranes against oxidative stress.

  • Foods: yellow, orange, and red fruits & vegetables, nuts, seeds, and spinach


Helps decrease inflammation and helps immune cell development.

  • Foods: red meat, shellfish, legumes, and nuts


Aids in the production of white blood cells, including T-cells, and natural killer cells. 

  • Foods: eggs, meat, poultry, organ meats, seafood, sunflower seeds, and Brazilian nuts


Helps in the production of white blood cells, which helps your body fight against pathogens.    

  • Foods: liver, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, whole grains, beans, potatoes, organ meats 


Antioxidant function, which helps protect cell membranes against oxidative stress & supports immune system function. 

  • Foods: yogurt, poultry, oats


Food Ideas

There are a number of simple ways you can increase your intake of these immune-system-supporting nutrients.

  • Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet with simple drinks! This can include berry smoothies, 100% orange or apple juice, or even adding a citrus fruit to your water!
  • Support your immune system with a cozy bowl of bean or lentil soup, which will keep you warm when the temperature drops
  • Green leaves, berries, nuts, and seeds can also easily be incorporated into your diet. You can try making a berry salad and top it off with nuts or add these to yogurt.
  • Ready for dessert? Dark chocolate can serve as a sweet defender against free radicals, keeping you healthy throughout the winter months!

Need even more inspiration? Try preparing our simple Kale and Citrus Salad recipe featuring winter fruits and vegetables.


Here at Good Measure Meals, our medically tailored meals also support your immune system. For an extra boost, look for our options featuring bright fruits and vegetables such as corn, carrots, tomatoes, dark leafy greens, peaches, and oranges.