Brown Bag Makeover

We’re all familiar with those good ‘ole sack lunches. You know, the ones in the brown paper bag with the dry cheese sandwich, an apple, and a bag of potato chips? At least that’s how I remember them... Maybe your brown bag had more options. I sand-wish mine did! Either way, lunchtime is essential to get us through the day and a time we all should cherish, so it’s time to give those brown bags a makeover.

How do I start?

Let’s first address our options. We’ve got sandwiches, soups, and salads, oh my! Pastas, curries, and casseroles too. Sometimes we even treat ourselves with hearty gumbo or veggie stew. And don’t forget that donut… sometimes one, but often two. Okay okay, I’m sorry. I’m done playing Dr. Seuss.

All of the above are great lunch options that are easy to add high quality, nutrient dense ingredients to that will keep our bodies healthy and full during the workday.


Did you know at least half of Americans eat at least one sandwich every day? Sandwiches are a hot commodity and provide the perfect foundation to layer so many different ingredients! Forget about the Leaning Tower of Pizza… What's better than seeing a sandwich piled so high with nutritious flavor it’s practically toppling over! Try these tips and your tastebuds will thank you later:

  • Pick nutritious breads loaded with seeds and grains to add healthful fiber and keep you full longer.
  • Layer your sandwich with fresh and/or pickled vegetables for a more vibrant flavor.
  • Add heart-healthy additions like sliced avocado, mayo made with olive oil or avocado oil, hummus, or olive tapenade.
  • Try to add lean, lower sodium protein options to your sandwiches. Store-bought deli meats are definitely quick and easy but choose the brands that offer reduced sodium options. Turkey breast, chicken breast, and roast beef are a few choices that fit these recommendations! For reference, when reviewing the food packaging, “low” refers to a product that is less than 140 milligrams of sodium per serving, and “lower sodium” refers to a product that is at least 25% less than the original product.

Vegetarian? Don’t give up on sandwiches all together; Try an egg salad sandwich! Egg salad is an egg-cellent way to add fats and protein to your meal.

Chickpea Salad Sandwich:

Looking for a vegan option? Look no further! Try this chickpea salad sandwich from EatingWell by mixing together these dill-icious ingredients, then add to whole grain bread layered with your choice of vegetables.

  • 1 can low sodium chickpeas, drained then mashed
  • 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp dijon mustard
  • ¼ cup chopped celery
  • ½ tsp garlic powder
  • 2 Tbsp fresh or dried dill
  • 2 Tbsp vegan mayo
  • Salt and pepper to taste


Soups are a great way to pile in the veggies and add more fiber to your diet. Broth based soups, like chicken noodle soup, are especially useful at hydrating the body because of the blend of carbohydrates and electrolytes like potassium and sodium.  Try adding in these soup-er ingredients if you’re in need of a pick-me-up!

  • A protein source to add to the healthy fats and carbohydrates in the soup to keep you full all day.
  • Beans or quinoa for additional plant proteins.
  • Onions and leeks for prebiotic fiber to improve gut health.
  • Frozen vegetables to any soup to help reduce prep time.
  • Seasonings like fresh or dried herbs/spices. Come on, don’t be shy! It’s thyme to mix things up! Flavor yours soups with a few of these “must haves”:
    • Bay leaf- similar to oregano and thyme
    • Thyme- can be substituted with rosemary, sage, or oregano
    • Cumin- pairs well with chili flakes
    • Paprika- use as a marinade, rub, seasoning, or garnish



Lettuce prepare for a radishing lunch experience by tossing around some salad options!

  • Consider including more dark leafy greens. These varieties typically have more nutrients and fiber, so it seems like Popeye was onto something leafing no spinach behind!
  • Ad-dress the greens! Nobody likes a dry salad. Add your favorite dressing to help digest the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K found in the salad. Vinaigrettes, my personal favorite, have sweet and savory varieties that pair well with most salads.
  • Lean towards the proteins low in fat, and/or add a handful of beans, chickpeas, or lentils.
  • Fresh fruits like strawberries or blueberries can provide a burst of berrylicious flavor and pair well with refreshing veggies like cucumbers and bell peppers of any color.



Fruit and chips are a common snack or addition to lunch. But did you know that only 12% of U.S. adults eat the recommended 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit a day?

Consider these pear-ings.

  • Pair fruit with a protein or healthy fat! When you find your life needing a little crunch, try adding a few tablespoons of your choice of chunky nut butter to your delectable fruit.
  • Sorry, that pun was cheesy, I know, but why not add more cheese to an already cheesy situation by pairing fruit with cheese cubes or cottage cheese to add protein and a healthy dose of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics for gut health.
  • Dip your chips in hummus, guacamole, or other similar dips that will help fill you up.


TIP!! Pack fruits and veggies that are in season for exceptional flavors that are sure to squash a bad day.



            You either love them or you hate them; there’s no in between, but why not try to save yourself some time (and sanity) by eating what you already have! Did you know that eating leftovers even one day a week can reduce your grocery bill by up to 20%? Eating leftovers is a sustainable eating method because it drastically reduces food waste that rots in landfills and contributes to green-house gas emission. Gross, right? Do yourself, the earth, and your fridge a favor by eating your leftovers before it’s too late.


Let’s Wrap This Up

If leftovers aren’t your jam, I’ve got one more idea for your lively lunchtimes: Wraps! Wraps are a great alternative to a sandwich or salad and are just as versatile. Pick a whole grain tortilla for extra fiber and fill with a plethora of nutrient-rich ingredients like rice, beans, and/or veggies. Not feeling savory? Make a PB&J wrap instead of a sandwich!


Addressing the Brown Bag

There’s no need to actually bring a sack lunch when glass tupperware or reusable ziploc bags exist. While these eco-friendly alternatives are more expensive up front, they are more cost effective over time, and as an added bonus, don’t have to sit in a landfill for who knows how many years to biodegrade. So not only are you coming to lunch in style, but I’m pretty sure your kids will think you’re super cool walking out the door with an adult lunchable.

Well folks, it’s time for you to put it into practice. Take a look at your lunches and pick at least one meal this week to elevate. Get creative! Share your new lunch ideas with your family, friends, and coworkers, and identify the differences in how you feel!