Open Hand/GMM RDNs provide nutrition education out in the community - teaching cooking classes, hosting senior lessons, leading recipe demos, and providing home visits. I also do nutrition counseling at Ryan White clinics in the Atlanta area.
This month, we want to share some favorites for Good Measure Meals' The RDN: "Recipe," "Digs," and "Nutrition Insights" brought to you by Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. In case you missed last month's edition, RDN Michelle gave us an incredible Chocolate Buckwheat Waffle recipe and shared some insights about the food industry and more.
Now, we'd like to share this awesome Farro Salad recipe and one of our favorite podcasts with you!
NY Times Cooking- Charlie Bird’s Farro Salad
I return to this recipe again and again. It can be an easy weeknight supper or a "wow your co-workers" lunch. Farro is quickly becoming one of my favorite grains - it’s nutty, chewy and filling. This farro salad features produce that’s in season right now - tomatoes, arugula, and herbs like basil and mint, which add lots of flavor.

As a new parent who has no clue what I’m doing most of the time, I am enjoying listening to the Rad Parenting podcast. Rad Parenting is hosted by Joe Sib and Anea Bogue. Joe & Anea are very real, honest, and hilarious. I enjoy listening because there is no lecturing or judgement, and they give lots of real life examples of how to practice whatever topic is being discussed. Episodes that have resonated with me recently include “Losing Your Identity When You Become a Parent” (June 18) and “Balancing Our No’s with More Yes’s” (July 15).

Nutrition Insight
Social media- does it reflect your reality?
It’s easy to get caught up in the comparison game when looking at people’s carefully crafted Instagram photos. But does it reflect reality? Take a minute to examine what you see daily on social media, and how it influences you.

Does your feed reflect diversity, people from other cultures and walks of life, or different body shapes than you?
If not, how might you intentionally add accounts to your feed that do reflect a greater diversity than what you might see at this moment?
Regularly seeing a variety of bodies and lifestyles that encompass wellness allows us to stop judging ourselves so harshly and to realize that healthy has various definitions. Periodically taking stock of who we follow and what we see, and intentionally broadening our vision/circles/networks/definitions of normal is incredibly eye-opening and a good self-care exercise.
Personally, I’ve really appreciated posts by moms that keep it real - talking about the difficulties of breastfeeding, accepting my postpartum body, dealing with a messy house and little sleep. It is helpful to know that I am not the only one struggling with these thoughts, and their insight usually makes me laugh - humor is the best medicine.

Want to create more diversity in your social media feed, or searching for a few body positive accounts? Here’s a few that I enjoy following:
- Rachael Hartley, "The Joy of Eating" | @rachaelhartleyrd
- Meghan Boggs | @meg.boggs
- Food Heaven Show | @foodheavenshow
- Kylie Mitchell | @Immaeatthat
- Jessamyn Stanley | @mynameisjessamyn
- Trystan Reese | @biffandi
Who would you add to this list, and what inspires you to keep it real in your social feeds?